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5 Items That Should Avoid Close Proximity to Heated Vents

5 Things to Avoid Placing Close to Heated Vents:

5 Things That Shouldn't Be Placed Close to a Heating Vent
5 Things That Shouldn't Be Placed Close to a Heating Vent

5 Items That Should Avoid Close Proximity to Heated Vents

While we enjoy the comfort offered by our home's heat vents, they can pose some challenges when it comes to storing certain items. The warm, dry air emitted by these vents throughout the day can potentially damage or distort certain items, spoil food, and turn flammable items into fire hazards if placed too close. Here's what you need to know about heat vents, along with five items you should refrain from storing near them.

Understanding Heat Vents

Your home's heating system utilizes fans and air ducts to disseminate the hot air it produces through multiple vents throughout your living space. Typically, these vents are covered by grilled covers featuring a knob to regulate the airflow's direction.

Each room in your home is likely to feature at least one heat vent, including bathrooms and spacious closets. They can be found on both floors and walls. Floor heat vents, in particular, require additional caution due to their susceptibility to being obstructed by unsafe objects.

Items to Avoid Storing Near Heat Vents

Flammable Items

Avoid storing flammable items in proximity to heat vents. Examples include aerosols, pressurized containers, paint, alcohol, gas, and certain cleaning supplies. Although the likelihood of these materials spontaneously combusting is minimal, any potential risk of a fire should be mitigated.


Electronic devices should be kept at a safe distance from heat vents. Prolonged exposure to the hot air they produce can cause devices such as computers, TVs, and other equipment to malfunction or break down entirely. Additionally, dust can accumulate on delicate electronic components, leading to further damage. Keep electronics at least three feet away from heat vents.

Perishable Goods

Excessive heat can compromise the quality and freshness of perishable food items, especially heat-sensitive fruits and vegetables. To preserve their taste and nutritional value, ensure these items are kept well-separated from heating vents.

Books and Paper Products

Both books and other paper products are potentially hazardous when stored near heat vents due to their flammability and susceptibility to heat damage. Flamable paper can become a fire hazard, while excessive heat can render pages brittle and difficult to handle. Heat vents may also cause books to warp or degrade over time.

Plastic Items

Thin plastic items, such as storage bins or toys, can melt or warp if exposed to prolonged heat. To prevent this and odors resulting from their deterioration, keep plastic items far from heat vents.

Consequences of Improper Storage

Storing unsuitable items above or below heat vents can have undesirable effects on your home's belongings and their overall safety.

  • Melting or warping of plastic or paper products
  • Spoilage of food or other perishables
  • Electronic equipment failure or damage due to overheating
  • Fire hazards or risk of flammable materials igniting

Preservation Tips for Safe Storing

Prevent damage to your belongings and potential fire hazards by following these best practices for proper heat vent storage.

  1. Never obstruct a heat vent using a piece of furniture or fabric. This not only hampers your heating system's performance but also poses a fire risk.
  2. Keep electronics, perishable food, and books at a distance of at least three feet from heat vents.
  3. Store flammable items on the opposite side of the room from heat vents.
  4. If necessary, direct the heat vent away from an item that may be damaged by excessive heat.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I identify unsafe storage practices around heat vents?A: Unsafe storage practices around heat vents may become apparent through signs such as warped plastic or paper or brittle, damaged items. Additional indicators include melting plastic or overheated paper smells.

Q: Can storing items near heat vents impact my energy bills?A: Yes. By obstructing heat vents, you indirectly force your heating system to work harder to heat your home, resulting in increased energy consumption and higher utility bills.

Q: How does heat vent circulation affect indoor air quality?A: Heat vents help maintain proper air circulation, preventing indoor air from becoming overly musty or allergic-laden. Blocked heat vents, on the other hand, hinder this process, negatively impacting your home's overall air quality.

To ensure the longevity of your Southern Living home and its belongings, it's essential to practice proper Emergency Preparedness measures related to heat vents. For instance, storing flammable items like aerosols or paint near heat vents can lead to potential fire hazards, as advised in Southern Living's "Understanding Heat Vents" article. Additionally, electronic devices, such as computers or TVs, can malfunction or break down when exposed to heat vent emissions, as mentioned in the same article.

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