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6 Reasons Why Your Dishwasher May Lead to Cloudy Glasses

6 Reasons Why Your Dishwasher Leads to Cloudy Glasses

6 Reasons Behind the Misty Coating on Your Glasses Post-Dishwasher Wash
6 Reasons Behind the Misty Coating on Your Glasses Post-Dishwasher Wash

6 Reasons Why Your Dishwasher May Lead to Cloudy Glasses

Dishwashers, especially those from the modern era, are a blessing, saving us from the tedious task of scrubbing dishes by hand. Instead of spending hours over a sink, we simply load up the machine, set it, and let it do its magic while we relax. However, sometimes our stovetop helpers don't live up to expectations, leaving us with less-than-spotless dishes or annoying white spots and films. To dive into the root causes of these less-than-pleasant outcomes, we turned to Morgan Eberhard, a senior scientist from Cascade, and Brandon Pleshek, the cleaning expert and third-generation janitor behind the viral TikTok account, CleanThatUp. Let's explore some common errors that could be sabotaging your dishwasher's performance and causing less-than-sparkly dinnerware.

Identifying the Issues

Calcium and Magnesium Buildup

If you suspect you have hard water and struggle with cloudy dishes, Eberhard confirms that the culprit is most likely calcium and magnesium residue. A rinse aid can go a long way in battling this issue by lowering your water's surface tension, making it easier for water to shed itself from your dishes without leaving residue behind.

Naturally Etched Glasses

Another potential source of white residue on your glasses is etching caused by tiny scratches. To test whether your glasses are actually etched or just encrusted with hard water minerals, try removing the film using vinegar or hand-washing with warm soap and water. If the film comes off, hard water is at fault. However, if etching is present, this indicates deep-set scratches that will require special care to resolve (and possibly a new set of glasses!).

Clogged or Dirty Dishwasher Filter

Cleaning your filter and performing regular maintenance on your dishwasher is essential to ensure proper functioning and avoid contaminating your dishes. If your filter is not cleaned monthly and the dishwasher is not thoroughly cleaned every few months, it can hinder the dishwasher’s performance and result in spotty glasses.

Incorrect Loading Techniques

Your loading techniques may also be compromising your dishwasher’s ability to provide a thorough clean. Proper positioning of your dishes on the top rack can prevent water from gathering after the wash cycle and cause spots on drying dishes. Additionally, loading dishes over the tines may result in wet contact points, leaving spots on glasses when they dry.

Low or High Water Temperatures

Water temperature can play a significant role in the effectiveness of your dishwasher. Water that is too cold may cause soap and mineral deposits to form on plates, while water that is too hot may result in etching, particularly when using the sanitize cycle. To achieve the best results, aim for a minimum water temperature of 120°F.

Pre-Rinsing Mishaps

Pre-rinsing dishes may actually be causing more harm than good. If no food remains on dishes due to pre-rinsing, it can lead to the removal of metal ions in glassware, causing etching. Instead of pre-rinsing, scrape off as much food as possible and let the dishwasher do its job.

Overusing Detergent

Using too much detergent can lead to build-up that isn't fully rinsed off, especially when running small loads. This can also happen when a dishwasher detergent is not high-quality or specifically designed for your dishwasher. To resolve this issue, consider hand-washing with dish soap or using vinegar to cut through residue.

Expert Tips and Advice

Eberhard and Pleshek offer valuable insights into optimizing your dishwasher's performance and ensuring your dishes are sparkling clean every time:

  1. Be mindful of your dishwasher's load size and adjust the dishwasher detergent accordingly.
  2. Position your dishes in the dishwasher appropriately to promote even cleaning and prevent water from pooling.
  3. Regularly clean your dishwasher filter and the entire dishwasher interior to maintain its performance and prolong its lifespan.
  4. Be aware of your water temperature and the proper dishwasher cycle selection for your specific needs.
  5. Stick to a balanced rinse aid and detergent routine to protect the glassware from frustrating etching.
  6. Avoid pre-rinsing to avoid removing essential ions from glassware that typically help dishes clean themselves.
  7. Maintain a regular dishwasher cleaning routine using dishwasher cleaners like Affresh to keep the appliance working at peak condition.

By adhering to these expert tips and identifying common sources of dishwasher-related issues, you can enjoy less frustrating clean-up and more time for the pleasures of life.

  1. During our investigation, we turned to RealSimple for advice on common dishwasher problems and solutions.
  2. Under GettyImages, we found an image that visually represented the issue of hard water buildup in dishwashers, with a close-up of a dish showing white spots caused by calcium and magnesium residue.
  3. While discussing the topic, TikTok user Brandon Pleshek, better known as CleanThatUp, shared his insights on fixing these issues and maintaining a spotless home.
  4. After identifying the problems, we subjected our dishwashers to scrutiny, ensuring they were performing at their best to avoid any unwanted spots or films on our dinnerware.

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